Ring Ceremony
December 1
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2023-12-01 19:00:00
2023-12-01 21:00:00
Ring Ceremony
The Loyola Ring is an enduring symbol that incorporates our great traditions with your unique educational experience. It honors academic achievement and sacrifice while signifying the loyalty and pride we all share as Loyola alumni. Plan on being a part of this Loyola tradition! As a recipient of the Loyola Ring, you are invited to participate in the Loyola Ring Ceremony, where you will walk across the stage to have your ring personally presented to you. Join us on December 1st for this special ceremony!
St. Charles
Sydney Begoun
St. Charles
FreeThe Loyola Ring is an enduring symbol that incorporates our great traditions with your unique educational experience. It honors academic achievement and sacrifice while signifying the loyalty and pride we all share as Loyola alumni. Plan on being a part of this Loyola tradition! As a recipient of the Loyola Ring, you are invited to participate in the Loyola Ring Ceremony, where you will walk across the stage to have your ring personally presented to you. Join us on December 1st for this special ceremony!
Event Type
Student Organizations
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2023-12-01 19:00:00
2023-12-01 21:00:00
Ring Ceremony
The Loyola Ring is an enduring symbol that incorporates our great traditions with your unique educational experience. It honors academic achievement and sacrifice while signifying the loyalty and pride we all share as Loyola alumni. Plan on being a part of this Loyola tradition! As a recipient of the Loyola Ring, you are invited to participate in the Loyola Ring Ceremony, where you will walk across the stage to have your ring personally presented to you. Join us on December 1st for this special ceremony!
St. Charles
Sydney Begoun
Student Life and Ministry